Cheap Dorm Room Decorating

  • Work-from-home


Co Admin
Mar 15, 2007
Dorm rooms serve as home away from home for college students who need a place to study and relax, watch movies on weekends or just read a good novel. However, it has to be inexpensive as it is a temporary abode and college students usually cannot afford huge expenses. Roommates may or may not like your room décor ideas. If you cannot coordinate well, it is wonderful, otherwise respect their territorial rights and stick to your space for decoration, creating comfort zone and special personal touch. Here are some cheap dorm décor ideas that you can use:

  • In a dorm, the bed serves many purposes such as study area, couch and even a coffee table. It is also the largest piece of furniture that you may own in a dorm room, so choose a comforter that does not get dirty easily and can be cleaned easily too. Reversible comforters in solid colors that match the color scheme of your dorm room are good options.
  • You may dress up your bed using fluffy throw pillows in funky patterns.
  • Since mostly dorm rooms have long beds to accommodate tall students, you may need to buy extra long twin sheets.
  • Maximize your storage space by opting for high beds or raise the bed using bricks or cement blocks and you may push your boxes and luggage under the bed.
  • Plastic crates or wire storage systems that can be rearranged, decorative hat boxes and closet organizers can be a great help to keep your things well organized.
  • Cheap plastic hooks and metal towel hangers attached to your closet door and back of the room door will provide you space to hang your clothes.
  • Buy a table that can accommodate your computer or TV too. Place it where there is adequate lighting.
  • You can use walls to put up posters or other wall decoration to customize your area and use special poster adhesive to avoid chipping paint.
  • If you are artistic types, use colored chalk or butcher paper and colored pencils to draw new murals for your wall, every time you feel inspired as they can easily be washed off or removed.
  • Buy frames or make some from cardboard matte and decorate them using decorative items such as glitter, buttons, feathers and beads, some funky memo holders and French memo boards to display photos of your new friends and love interests or may be some good quotes.
  • Another way to display your photos is to string them up and hang them from your laundry line across the room.
  • To decorate metallic surfaces such as refrigerators, use magnets.
  • Use dry erase boards on your door and room to leave notes for your friends and roommates to coordinate with then.
  • To lend a romantic touch to your dorm room, you can drape sheer fabric across the window or over a bed.
  • A colorful beautiful shower curtain can be used to mask the messy open closet.
  • Fashionable and functional lights can change the look of your room too. A lamp of the study table and mini-lights for the moody atmosphere across the room is quite relaxing. While white lights are bright and good for eyes you can use funky colored lights in shape of stars or hearts for special occasions.