Herbal Treatment Weight Loss Challenge

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Mar 15, 2007
Weight Loss Challenge

What it takes to lose weight naturally

So many people have weight loss challenges. Do you know how many different dieting plans and weight management programs are out there? A lot. And, at the same time, the problem of obesity reaches the level where it can no longer be ignored. Such contradiction between the number of diets and the ever growing percent of over-weight people gives us reason to suspect that there is something wrong with the very principle behind those plans and programs. Many of them are based on the exclusion of some or other types of food and/or on the decrease of its caloric value. Sadly, none of those methods bring long lasting results. It is indeed devastating, after so many sacrifices, to watch your pounds creep back again.

Each diet guru proclaims his/her creation to be "revolutionary" and "magical", although most of them have no scientific value. Even programs, proven scientifically, can make mistakes. Goodness knows that what works for one person may not work for another. Science evolves constantly and new discoveries often contradict old ones.
Alas, we dutifully follow scientific suggestions, forgetting that Mother Nature provided us with everything we need for a long and healthy life. Take the Bible for example. In it we find references to people like Sara, who lived to be 197 years old, or Abraham, who died at the age of 275. If those people don’t seem real to you there are many current examples of longevity.
Our body is a self-restoring organism.
All of our cells reproduce over certain periods of time. Our liver, under favorable conditions, is able to function for, at least, 200 years. However, we manage to destroy it in 40-50 years. The condition of our health depends on many factors. Some of them, like environment or genes, are out of our reach. But, there still is something we can do for ourselves. And the best place to start is to look closely at the food we eat. Let's call it "the right diet." What is "the right diet"? It is a diet, created specifically for you and by you. Don't be surprised. Everyone can become his/her own dietitian. After all, who knows your body better then you do? Use common sense, listen to your inner voice and no diet will be necessary for you. Do you want an example? Here it is:
When you decide to take on a weight loss challenge - part of the challenge becomes finding the right program. Some programs suggest taking small amounts of food throughout the day as often as possible, starting from the morning. How many people do you know who wake up hungry? If you are one of them and really need a morning meal to get you going, by all means, have breakfast. But if you are like me and can't even comprehend the thought of food in the morning, why stuff yourself just because someone said that it is right? You will get much more positive effect if you just have a glass of juice. Yo have to find the right approach to your own weight loss challenge.
Weight loss challenge: Eating all day?
Or, where is the logic behind the idea of eating all day long? The digestive system, forced to constantly process even small amounts of food, has no time to rest and rejuvenate. So it starts breaking down much sooner. An organism, overloaded with food, concentrates all its power on digestion, partially shutting down some other processes. That is the reason why we are sleepy after a heavy meal. But digesting food is not the body's only obligation. It's not even the most important one. It's also supposed to keep us healthy, maintaining an inner order and fighting illnesses. We lose appetite when we are sick. The energy, which was used for breaking down food, now is used for a fight. So, consuming needless amounts of food, we voluntarily deprive ourselves of protection, which our organism is supposed to give us.
Food keeps us alive, providing energy for our everyday activities. That is true. But how much food do we really need? Not as much as one could think. Take Tibetan monks, for example. They feel wonderful on less amounts of food per day than some of us take just for one meal. Many parents know how difficult it can be to make children eat, even once or twice a day. And, at the same time, they are healthy and energetic. Why? Because young bodies are relatively clean and even the smallest amounts of food digests, fully releasing all nutrients, without losing them in the process. What does it tell us?

It's not the quantity of food that matters, but the quality - as well as the condition of all our vital organs and systems.

Now, what do we get when we reduce caloric value of our meals? Nothing, except the constant feeling of being hungry. However, a hungry person can think of nothing else but food. That kind of brain stimulation can lead to such side-effects as irritability, offense that nature did not bless you with good metabolism, and annoyance toward those who can eat everything without counting calories. Only very strong people can pass through all those barriers and still achieve some results.
The majority of us usually stop in the middle, or even at the beginning of the process. After 2-3 attempts at dieting a person loses self-confidence, accepting problems, that come with excess weight, as something inevitable. But it should not be that way.
Our health, as well as weight maintenance, is in our hands. And it starts not from that moment when we buy any diet plan and not even when we make a New Year's resolution to get slimmer. It starts from clear realization that weight loss is not a plan or program - it is a way of life. People, who consciously, once and for all, choose a healthy lifestyle, can not only lose weight, but keep it from coming back as well.
We love food, we idolize food and many of us just can't bear the thoughts of giving it up. However, healthy eating does not mean a necessity to deprive yourself of your favorite dishes, but it does mean clear understanding of how different types of food affect not only our bodies but our mind as well. And, with that understanding, the right decision comes easily.
When you choose health as your way of life, please be patient and do not expect quick results. A body needs time to adjust all of its systems to a new life. The full transition can take as long as 3 years. This is especially true for a change of taste in food. Many dieting attempts failed just because this feature was not taken into consideration. For example: you love sweets and baked goods, but, to regain your former harmoniousness, you have to eat vegetables, which you are not a big fan of.
In such situation result will be negative. The diet will be dropped before long. Not many people can stick with food they don't like. However, when new foods are introduced gradually, an organism, and especially the digestive tract, has enough time to adjust to it. In 3 years a change in taste is so significant that people don't remember and never miss their old ways. This method is not only correct physiologically, but also is much easier mentally. Why is such an adjustment important?
Our stomach produces specific juices to digest various types of food. When a big amount of new and unfamiliar food is introduced, a stomach might not be able to cope with it. Food, that was not properly digested, starts to decay, producing toxins and poisoning an organism. If such a situation lasts for a considerable length of time, it might become dangerous, causing serious damage to one's health. So, to be sure not to harm yourself, first consult licensed nutritionist you trust. Also, educate yourself. Read books-they contain all of the wisdom of mankind.
Don't trust those who promise "quick and easy" results.
There is nothing "quick and easy" about turning one's life around - and your weight loss challenge is no different. It is a long way, which requires time and patience, but it brings the greatest reward that no money can buy-long lasting physical and mental health, as well as realization that good health is a wonderful gift, which can be enjoyed for many years to come.