Letter of A Patriotic Pakistani to US Citizens...!

  • Work-from-home

Prince Ali

Sep 21, 2008
~Khuda Ki Basti~
Dear Citizens of United States,

We Pakistanis are ordinary beings like you, having the same dreams, same
needs, ambitions, emotions, reservations and same passion if not more for
our country. We like you, to feel the same regret for wars, same grief for
the world problems, same distress towards injustice, same hopes for a better
tomorrow. We, like you, also fantasize having serene borders, comfortable
homes for our children, fine education, some leisure, and a satisfied mind
that what we are contributing to this country and the world at large today
will benefit us and our future generations tomorrow. We fancy the feeling of
living in sheer coziness of our homeland, away from overseas interventions
and foreign-extremism in the exact same way as an average American desires.

We didn’t get our independence as a birthday present, we got it after much
struggle and sacrifices (over 4 million lives were lost during the
migration); after much strangling and many fatalities, we finally broke free
of the quandary at the hands of British and Hindu rulers. After
independence, we have shown remarkable progress in many areas despite having
rulers who placed personal interests over national interests, who never
really had to face the trauma of poverty, sickness, injustice, or leaving
their loved ones behind to inhabit a land with no promises. Yet we did not
give up and made a nation out of it. We did not fail as our current leaders
try to put it, to solicit more and more aid to gratify their own greed. In
our short history we have never been blessed with a true leader after our
founder, and yet imagine our courage, we did not break down, we moved on and
on. And we never really looked for shortcuts to this existence, we have paid

We have now been presented with yet another aid package from your country
which will be financed by American taxpayers money, which is the right of
American citizens and on which we have got no claim. To your surprise
neither do we need it to solve our problems. We do NOT need it. We have been
seasoned to rely on our own resources, our own means; because at the end of
the day this money will not be utilized for our poor nation it will land
somewhere you cannot imagine its terminus to be. Period.

Let us give you a reality check, as the voice of our Pakistani country men
and as a friendly gesture to the fellow citizens of U.S. who have a right to
know. In all veracity this little aid which comes with a lot of dictation,
will be utilized to finance foreign lavish trips of our government personnel
who will take approximately 200 personnel including their family members to
luxurious places. It will be utilized to provide notorious yet special
security services that we cannot afford, to people who are not even part of
the government but somehow our democratic rulers are much obliged to
flatter. The so-called economic development this new aid promises will
definitely not materialize. We know this because this has been happening for
the last several decades.

The so-called promises to create jobs for us will never be fulfilled,
whereby this money would rather be utilized for expanding the job market
within the USA for the American people, which itself is being hit by the
worst recession in decades. Not only that, the conditions mentioned will
destabilize our civil system, will cripple our autonomy, our existence, will
rob our craftsmen and the population on the whole of their much deserved
earnings, and in turn will fan more frustration. The ordinary Pakistani is
already paying a heavy return against the lending of IMF. Our electricity,
fuel and other bills have been incremented, and those too over the dictation
of the IMF. The Kerry Lugar Bill does not attempt to bring any solution for
our challenges at all, instead, it will be sucking blood from our innocent
population in the name of few miscreants who are not a part of us in the
first place, in the name of a war that didn’t belong to us by any means and
was imposed on us. Are we really attempting to build peace in here? Who are
we fooling in the name of amity?

Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an independent country, which means that we
are fully capable to take care of our needs, self reliant and complacent
like Islam teaches us to be. We do not rely on shortcuts for realization of
our needs. By the grace of our creator, we have been seasoned to work hard
and achieve the impossible. The elite on powerful positions do not in anyway
represent the opinion of general public. In their sinister yet sadly
successful efforts, public is kept so busy in their basic problems that they
never really get to question them on where was the Aid money utilized and
why was it even asked for in the first place.

Its time the U.S realized that and leave the treachery of aiding us on the
face and stabbing us at our backs. As the voice of enlightened Pakistanis,
let us assure you, we will be delighted if the same money is utilized in
your own country to deal with the recession it faces, to deal with the
crimes soaring high with U.S. topping the list of most crimes in the world
in a year. We will be glad if it is also spent on researches and
precautionary measures on why so many Americans die with stress-related
diseases every year, why life is getting tougher and tougher for an average
American family and their social values are declining. We urge you to ask
your Government whether this aid package is really helping us, the fellow
citizens of Pakistan, or are you helping our shameless government with their
lifestyles and luxuries? Are you helping in setting up schools and better
health care or fanning more extremism due to ill-utilization that our rulers
will ensure and frustration that the brutal conditions on this sell-out
package will bring for us? Are you actually helping to support our displaced
countrymen or giving them more reason to hate you for financing our depraved

Your financial aid will not do us any good, since more than this amount
already stays in the bank accounts of some of our narcissistic leaders, who
occupy the ‘seats’ but are indifferent towards the distress of the majority.
If you are still so keen to help us however, start sharing best practices,
help us in establishing good governance, help us in making our systems more
transparent, help us in medical researches, help us in building up
universities to polish our youth else we really don’t need your help, we can
help ourselves.

We also request you to ask your government on how this bill helps the
American nation and us, when it will just land in a few pockets and exactly
what will our unfortunate nation be faced with as conditions to comply,
tragedy of which is unimaginable but appalling enough for us to reject any
aid from U.S. at all! The Patriot act which has left your nation so
vulnerable cannot be allowed to implement in Pakistan. Let us make it more
apparent, we will not allow the U.S. access to any of our properties or our
citizens. These citizens belong to a free country, accountable to none other
than their own national laws and America as a knowledgeable and
well-developed country should respect that. Our country is fully capable to
deal with any miscreants itself and we have been doing it to our best since
this so called war on terror started. We will not allow interference in any
form whatsoever in the internal matters of our country, in its governance,
in its institutions and above all in its authority that this bill carefully
ensures. Our rulers may be dissolute, our nation is not.

Your country has not only deceived you in the name of wars to eliminate
terror while being exceptionally involved in creating it, but it also has
left many homeless, many innocent killed, many children orphans, many women
widows, houses and hopes shattered. It hasn’t just betrayed us, it has
betrayed you. And rest assured, the bullying tactics that your country
specializes in will someday become a pit in itself. Haven’t we all started
witnessing that it in front of our eyes already?

We however maintain, the U.S. citizens don’t deserve to be kept in darkness.
Since World War II, your country has intimidated directly or indirectly at
least 44 countries, if not more in the name of peace while creating havocs
in real, distributing civil wars, turmoil, oppressing nations, breaking them
into pieces, dictating policies that completely butcher the civil structure.
As your infamous Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger once put it so
correctly: “While being America’s enemy may be dangerous, being America’s
friend is invariably fatal”. Who would comprehend that better than our
nation, who has a history of 62 years being your ally and what did we get in
return? Treachery, betrayal, deception?

What did the US get out of it; a deteriorating economy, a failed social
structure, not to mention countless killed soldiers? It isn’t a surprise the
same Kissinger who believed in brutal de-population of the world and whose
policies your government still follows, also said “Soldiers are dumb, stupid
animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”. Decide for yourself, where
this face will lead you? This hatred your government is mongering against
your beautiful country is pushing you down the path of obscurity too, with a
point of no return.

Ask yourselves, are the U.S soldiers really worthless herds of cattle to be
thrown into hostile territories just so that a few in the Govt. can benefit
by selling their weapons to the U.S Govt., which buys them from these local
multi-million dollar businesses at such dear cost of American tax-payers’
blood-earned money? Decide yourself, where this will lead you as a nation?
This hatred your Government is mongering against your beautiful country is
pushing you down the path of obscurity too, towards a point of no return.

We as responsible citizens of Pakistan request the responsible citizens of
U.S. to really ask their government on the effectiveness of wars it has
waged in the past and what it plans to wage in future. For instance, what
did the Americans get out of the Vietnam war? Did the Vietnamese attack
them? What did the Americans get out of the War between Iraq and Iran? What
did the American people get out of the recent war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Did the American people get a share of the oil wealth that is being ripped
off the Iraqis by use of brutal force?

Think about the latest package of deceit this Kerry Lugar Bill brings for
us, the ruthless face of which we are already seeing, yet you are kept so
oblivious to. We respectfully ask you to convince your government to keep
the same money to themselves and utilize it to benefit your ailing economy,
or maybe it can be used to return the debt that US owes to China.

Only then will we as a nation be inspired by the high spirits on your
nation’s conscientiousness, and will be stimulated to follow your footsteps
and will be thankful to you for our generations to come.


A Patriotic Pakistani.