Natural Treatment for Losing Weight

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Mar 15, 2007
Losing Weight Naturally

Natural Treatment for Losing Weight

osing weight naturally is so important. Why? Obesity is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Being able to control weight problems with natural treatments is far easier on the body than strict diets and unhealthy methods. From different sources: up to 40 % of the population on earth suffers from excess weight. It contributes to the development of such diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and hypertension, which can greatly reduce the life expectancy - from 3 to up to 15 years. People who owerweight are 10 times more prone to all kinds of illnesses. They die earlier and face more problems in life.

Losing weight naturally is a long and complex process and it should start, as strange as it might sound, from elimination of worms and parasites, living in our body. They produce slime and enzymes which lead to dysbacteriosis and cause constant desire to eat. If tests show a presence of parasites a treatment must be done to get rid of them. Without it, any attempt to lose weight will be unsuccessful.
If you are interested in losing weight naturally, you will need to modify your diet. Exclude sugar, jam, candy and any sweet and baked goods as well as fats and carbohydrates, because these products are parasites’ favorite food. Keep them off your table at least as long as needed to finish the worm killing treatment.
For those wishing to lose weight naturally, the best, and most helpful foods are sea weeds, sauerkraut, cranberry and cowberry and especially onions and garlic. Onions and garlic are ultimate fat burners. In an hour after eating garlic or onions the metabolism speeds up and so the burning of fats. Grapefruit, pineapple and lemon juices are very helpful in fighting obesity.
Don't forget about physical activity if you want to succeed in achieving stable results. People who think they can lose weight on diets alone are deeply mistaken. Without regular physical activities it is not easily done. There is no need to work out for hours if one does not enjoy it. The physical activity can be as simple as a daily half-hour walk at a fast pace, for starters.
Regular visits to a sauna also bring good results in fighting obesity. Days of limited food intake, when regular food is replaced with juices, vegetables or fruit, and herbal teas should be carried out at least once in 10-14 days. During those days the body takes care of itself by improving the metabolism and removing waste and toxins.
Losing Weight Naturally - Herbal Remedies
Drink this tea before and during the time in sauna: 2 tbsp of linden flowers boil in 700 g of water for 5 min and steep for 20-30 min.
Juice day-drink 1 cup (200 g) of any juice 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink 1 cup of water between lunch and dinner and at night.
Fruit day-eat 1.5 kg of any fruit during the day.
And, of course, we can use the healing powers of herbs; especially those rich in vitamin C and B6 and iodine as well as other herbs that help to remove cholesterol from the body, to prevent obesity.
Combine 20 g of each: elder flowers, linden flowers, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, fennel berries. Put 3 tbsp of the mix in ½ L of water, boil for 15 min at low heat, steep 30-45 min and strain. Take 1 cup 2-3 times a day for 8-10 weeks. This remedy improves metabolism and digestion and not only at obesity.
Combine 40 g of buckthorn bark, 15 g of dandelion root, 15 g of parsley, 15 g of fennel berries and 15 g of peppermint leave. Put 2 tbsp of the mix in 2 cups of boiling water, steep for awhile, strain and drink all at once in the morning on empty stomach.

Combine equal parts of: yarrow grass, elder flowers, linden flowers, toadflax, and rupture wort. Put 2 tbsp of the mix in ½ L of water, boil for 10 min and steep during the night. Take 1 cup in the morning on empty stomach and 1 cup at night for 1 month. Repeat every other month for 1 year.
Equal parts (1tsp) of chamomile, wormwood and tansy put in 400-500 g of boiling water and steep for 30-40 min, then strain and take 50-100 g 2-3 times a day 10-15 min before meal for at least one month.
50 g of juniper barriers combine with 1 peeled and crashed head of garlic and 1 L of white wine. Let stand for 10 days in dark, cool place. Shake well from time to time. After 10 days filter and take 3 tbsp 1-2 times a day 30-40 min after meal. This remedy normalizes metabolism.
1 tsp of wormwood herb put in 1 cup (200-250 g) of boiling water. Let stand for 30 min, filter and take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 15-30 min before meal.
In 2 cups of boiling water place 2/3 of tbsp of knot weed herb. Steep for 30 min and drink during the day. This remedy normalizes metabolism.
Boil 20 g of rosehip in 1 cup of water for 10 min. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
For 10 days keep regular diet but substitute all daily intake of water for apple juice (2L). Best results are reached when using freshly squeezed juice.
Put equal parts (1 tbsp) of senna leaves, cathartica flowers and buckthorn bark in 1/2 L of boiling water and boil for 5-7 min at low heat. Let stand until morning. Take 1 tbsp of broth after everything you eat.
Drink 1 tbsp of carrot juice 3 times a day for few months.
Drink fresh potato juice, mixed with carrot and cabbage juices.
Drink 1/2-1 cup of fresh pumpkin juice few times a day.
Drink 1 tbsp of beet juice 3 times a day 30 min before meal. This method to fight obesity takes a long time, but it works.
Soup that helps in losing weight naturally: 6 onions of middle size, few tomatoes, fresh or preserved, 1 small cabbage, 2 green peppers, some celery and vegetable broth. Boil cut vegetables in broth for 10 min at high heat, and then continue cooking at low heat until vegetables are soft. Add spices and eat this soup anytime you want to eat.
If you are overweight, consider the above methods of losing weight naturally. As with all medical care, consult your doctor before using any home remedies, especially when other prescription medications are involved
