"O Allah! call me to account with an easy reckoning." (Urdu/English)

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Feb 28, 2009

'A'ishah (Radi'Allahu anha) has related:

"I once heard the Holy Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wasallam)
supplicate during the prayer, thus:

"O Allah!
call me to account with an easy reckoning."

When he brought his Prayer to conclusion,
I asked what he meant by that supplication.

He (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied:

Easy reckoning means that
one's conduct book will be seen
and one's errors will be overlooked.

O 'A'ishah, the one who is called to account
for his deeds on that Day, would be doomed.

(Ahmad & Haakim who declared it saheeh and Dhahabi agreed)

Narrated 'Aisha (Radi'Allahu anha):
Allah's Apostle (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam), said,

"None will be called to account
on the Day of Resurrection, but will be ruined."

I said "O Allah's Apostle! Hasn't Allah said:
'Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand,
he surely will receive an easy reckoning? (84.7-8)

-- Allah's Apostle (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said,
"That (Verse) means
only the presentation of the accounts,
but anybody whose account (record) is questioned
on the Day of Resurrection, will surely be punished."

(Sahih Bukhari ~
Book #76, Hadith #545)


~ An easy reckoning ~

That is, his reckoning will be less severe: he will not be asked why he had done such and such a thing and what excuses he had to offer for it. Though his evil deeds also will be there along with his good deeds in his records, his errors will be overlooked and pardoned in view of his outweighing good deeds.

In the Holy Qur'an, for the severe reckoning of the wicked people
the words su-al-hisab (heavy reckoning) have been used (Ar-Ra'd: 18),
and concerning the righteous it has been said:
"From such people We accept the best of their deeds
and overlook their evils." (Al-Ahqaf: 16).

The explanation of it given by the Holy Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) has been related in different words by Imam Ahmad Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Abu Da'ud, Hakim, (May Allah have mercy on all of them)
on the authority of Hadrat 'A'ishah (Radi'Allahu anha).

According to one of these traditions the Holy Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Doomed will be he who is called to account for his deeds. Hadrat 'A'ishah (Radi'Allahu anha) said: O Messenger of Allah, has not Allah said: 'He whose record is given in his right hand shall have an easy reckoning?' The Holy Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: That is only about the presentation of the deeds, but the one who is questioned would be doomed."
In another tradition Hadrat 'A'ishah (Radi'Allahu anha) has related:
"I once heard the Holy Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) supplicate during the prayer, thus: O Allah, call me to a light reckoning. When he brought his Prayer to conclusion, I asked what he meant by that supplication. He (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: Light reckoning means that one's conduct book will be seen and one's errors will be overlooked. O 'A'ishah, the one who is called to account for his deeds on that Day, would be doomed.

(Surah An-Naml, Chapter 27, Verse 19)

"O my Lord!
so order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours,
which thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents,
and that I may work the righteousness
that will please Thee:

And admit me, by Thy Grace,
to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants."

Aameen, Ya Rabb-ul-Aalameen!
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