Suicide suspected in ex-Kamasutra model's death

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Jan 30, 2009

Mumbai: Viveka Babajee, 37, one of the top and successful model, was found hanging at her Bandra residence late on Friday evening.
Viveka was former Miss Mauritius and has been featured in several ads, including those for Kamasutra condoms.

Police in Mumbai have seized a laptop and a mobile phone belonging to former supermodel along with a polythene bag containing medicines which include sleeping pills.

They have taken fingerprint samples from the furniture as well from Viveka's body. They have also found a diary reportedly with words 'I kill' written on the last page.
According to the police, prima facie suggests it to be a case of suicide. However, they are still awaiting the post-mortem report. The report expected later on Saturday.
"We have taken finger prints from the room and are investigating" BG Patil, Assistant Police Inspector, Khar Police Station said.
As far as the sequence of events leading to the model's death are concerned, sources in Mumbai Police say that the apparent suicide came to light on June 25 evening when firemen broke the door of the house after her neighbours called the local fire station after they smelt a gas leak. She was found hanging by the fan.
Immediately, the police was summoned and her body was seized. A survey of her house revealed that some drawers were open and some pictures were lying on the floor.
Further investigations revealed that on the evening of June 24 she had fought with one of her close friends over phone.
The police suspect that the model committed suicide by hanging and left the gas open to camouflage the smell emitting from a dead body.
So far, they have only the statement of her sister who is visiting India. They are likely to take statements of Viveka's friends and associates later in the day.
This is not the first case of a celebrity ending her own life. Former Miss India and top model Nafisa Joseph hung herself three years back. Bollywood actress Parveen Babi has been found dead in 2005 at her home in Mumbai.
Divya Bharti fell to her death off a 5-storey apartment building in Mumbai and Silk Smitha was reported to have committed suicide under mysterious circumstances in 1996.
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