3 Easy Steps to Looking Gorgeous

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Most of us don’t have time in the morning to do full-on makeup, hair and everything else. All of these things take time and no one wants to wake up an hour early to do their makeup. So here is a super-quick way to getting ready from makeup to hair in just a few minutes.
Step 1: Face Fix
Instead of spending so much time putting on foundation and blending just use a concealer to even out your skin tone and reduce redness. Dot it all over the problem areas tapping it lightly so it melts onto your skin. Finish off with a mineral powder all over your face so your concealer stays on longer and your face looks fresh.

Step 2: Enhance Your Eyebrows
You may not think a lot about grooming your brows, but it makes a huge difference. To get a nice arch, hold a pencil diagonally over your brows positioning the tip of the eraser at the base of the brows. Tweeze any hairs that fall above and below the pencil. Flip it once you reach midway, and repeat on the other side.

Step 3: Get a Beautiful Rosy Glow
There is nothing more beautiful than a rosy, youthful glow to your face so take a pink lipstick and warm it up with your blowdrier for 5 seconds. Swipe it over your lips and proceed by adding a little bit to the apples of your cheeks. Use the cream lipstick as an eyeshadow and blend it lightly with your fingertips. Finish off with mascara.