5 Technologies That Have Changed The World

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Always different.., Confirm
Jul 22, 2008
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Throughout the 2000’s many new technologies have been introduced to not only the individual consumer but to corporations and volunteer organizations as well. From 2000 to 2011 many technologies have been introduced to the populous that could very well change the world in their own individual way.

Exoskeletons: Since the popular movie “Iron Man” interest in real world exoskeletons has skyrocketed. Both Japanese and American scientists have invented and produced their own versions of exoskeleton. From Japan we have an exoskeleton known as HAL. The Hal suit was created by a Japanese company called “Cyberdine.” HAL has been described as a wearable robot that increases the wearer’s strength by ten percent. An American answer to HAL was an exoskeleton unit referred to as “HULC.” This unit has a special history as it allowed a paraplegic to literally walk. Exoskeletons may be able to revolutionize the world by allowing the paraplegics of the world to walk again and possibly even regain their independence.

Smart Phones: In the beginning of the 20th century we saw the vast improvement of cell phones. With new technologically advanced phones like the Blackberry, the Iphone and the Android phones have gone from simply being phones to being more like handheld miniature computers. These smart phones can access the Internet, text back and forth download and store music and can even be used for their original purpose, as a phone. With each new development the smart phones of the century make our world a little bit smaller.

Social Networking: As the years went by email gave way to Friendster, Friendster gave way to Myspace and Myspace gave way to Facebook. As social networking grew and became more popular more and more people connected with people they had not seen in various amounts of time. Old friends were reunited and social networking has also been used to reunite separated families after natural disasters such as the 2003 fires in California and Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in New Orleans. As social networking grows someone you’re looking for could be just one click away.

Advanced Car Features: As technology grew so did the automobile industry. In response to the growing technology available automobile manufacturers created various advanced features to complement their cars. Rear view cameras were introduced as a way to avoid rear collision accidents and help individuals back out of any parking situation with ease. DVD players were installed in the back seats of automobiles in order to keep children and other back seat passengers entertained during long road trips and heated seats were introduced for those cold winter mornings where the cool seat was more than a person could handle.

Google Street View: Although Google is mostly known for its’ web browser it has created everything from its very own social network all the way to an intricate mapping system that actually allows the user to see physical landmarks of the area they’re mapping. This mapping system is called “Google street view.” It allows the user to zoom in until they’re literally looking at a picture of the area in question. Street view uses multiple cameras and satellites to create a 3D real life map of the area you are searching. Street view uses the same technology as the previously released world mapping software known as “Google Earth.”
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