5 Unusual Hair Oils That Are Homemade!

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom
when the usual hair oils cannot bring you out of your 'bad hair' days then you need to look for the unusual ones. No amount of washing and conditioning will help your hair until and unless it has the required nourishment and it will get that only from oiling. Now when the usual choices fail to solve your problems you need to do something extra. In times of such dire need, fall back on traditional wisdom; try some homemade oil recipes for your hair.

Here are some unusual hair oils that can be prepared at home and can be the answer to your hair problems.

Top 5 Unusual Hair Oil Recipes:

1. Henna Oil: Henna is not just a great colouring agent for your hair but it also gives you healthy strong hair. Many people do not like to use henna as it has a very strong auburn colour that doesn't suit everybody's taste or complexion. When you mix henna with natural [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]coconut [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]oil[/FONT][/FONT] then its colouring properties are substantially reduced. Soak dry henna leaves for 30 minutes in hot oil and massage your scalp while its still warm to strengthen your hair roots.

2. Rosemary Oil: The herb rosemary when mixed with other natural oils has the capacity to make rough frizzy hair silky smooth. You can either obtain rosemary oil by soaking fresh rosemary leaves in hot[FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]almond [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]oil[/FONT][/FONT] or buy it off the shelves. Rosemary hair oil is not always available so buy the cooking essence. Blend half a cup of almond oil, half a cup of avocado oil, 1 teaspoon of lecithin and 10 drops of rosemary essence. Keep this in a boil of boiling water for 30 minutes.

3. Hibiscus Oil: Hibiscus oil is a homemade oil that is the secret to jet black hair and also a great hair loss home remedy. Considering it is a fairly common plant you can have one at home or else just buy the flower. Boil a few hibiscus flower buds in coconut oils to bleed the nutrients and then massage it warm on your hair.

4. Tea Oil: Tea and especially tea tree oil is a really popular hair care solution these days but even the green tea you drink can go a long way in giving you healthy lustrous hair. Soak 3 tea bags of green tea in a cup of warm olive oil; let it stay for 20 minutes. This will be an antioxidant rich treatment for your hair as both components are rich in antioxidants.

5. Amla (Gooseberry) Oil: Alma oil is commonly used to get thick hair in India. You can make homemade amla oil by blending (cut and dried) gooseberries with fenugreek leaves and 2 cups coconut oil. Boil the mixture (just about 3 minutes) and as it gets brown remove it from flame; sieve out the oil as it cools.

Use these natural beauty tips to make the best hair oils at home.