A free guide of ayurveda for fair and glowing skin

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TM Star
Sep 23, 2009
A free guide of ayurveda for fair and glowing skin
Naturally fresh and healthy skin is protector of body and a thing of beauty. Ayurveda our ancient science of medicine has suggested many herbal remedies and natural methods to protect our skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and marks left by pimples and to increase the fairness of the skin. Pimples , acne . dark circles, wrinkles and marks give a dull and unhealthy look. Here is a herbal guide for naturally fresh, fair and glowing skin.

In ayurveda according to Sushrutaachaarya the skin has seven layers. They are​
  • Avabhasini- The outermost layer is called Avabhasini. Pimples, acne, dandruff etc arise when this layer gets affected by vitiated doshas.​
  • Lohita - This is the second layer of skin. Moles ,dark circles, black pigmentations occur when vitiated doshas affect this layer.​
  • Shweta - The third layer of skin shweta when gets affected by vitiated doshas precipitates the diseases like eczema ,allergic rashes etc​
  • Tamra - This is the fourth layer of skin which when affected by doshas harbors different types of leprosy.​
  • Vedini- The fifth layer succumbs to herpes when vitiated doshas affect.​
  • Rohini- Harbors cancer, tumors, elephantiasis etc when affected by vitiated doshas.​
  • Mamsadhara - This is the seventh layer in the body which when affected by vitiated doshas , abscess , fistulas arise.​
We have to keep all these skin layers healthy by balancing doshas. We can balance our doshas by following proper ahara and Vihara (diet and life style modifications) .This makes our skin healthy.​