Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya complete 38 years of marital bliss

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom

The well know super star of Bollywood, Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan have celebrated their marriage anniversary this past Friday. The famous and icon couple of tinsel town has celebrated 38 years of marital bliss. Big B wanted to share some of his memories of his wedding day but also of his honeymoon with wife Jaya.

The couple got married on the 3rd of June in the year of 1973. Even at this point of his life the Bollywood actor continues to remember the speed with which everything took place that happy day in his life. “It was a quick decision. Marriages generally are,’ said Amitabh Bachchan on his blog page on Friday. “And before long I was going to a common acquaintances’ home with my family for a plain Bengali wedding ceremony. There were not many people at all, only family and a few of personal friends. There was a calm shiver in the skies and a few drops of rain fell down just before setting off,” added the iconic super star of tinsel town.

He remembers that the neighbors started to say that the rain was a good sign for the young couple, as they believed the Gods were sending their greetings. And they were off to the ceremony. And it probably was, as the two have managed to stay together and work together as well. Just after the wedding the couple went to London to celebrate their honeymoon. That was the very first time that the actor got on a plane, and the first time that he went out of the country.

They two famous Bollywood actors have worked together in flicks such as ‘Chupke Chupke’, ‘Abhiman’ and ‘Zanjeer’. They have had a fabulous career in the film industry of Bollywood and they continue to participate in an active way to the industry of B-town.
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