Eyes Makeup

  • Work-from-home


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Mar 15, 2007

How to Make Your Eyes Look Beautiful Easily and Naturally Using Makeup

First wash your face.

Using your makeup brush apply just below your eyebrows, put a layer of mild pink eyeshadow on.
Blend the edges with your skin with your finger.

On the crease of your eye, (or the edge of your eye), put a dab of purple eyeshadow.
Lightly blend and smudge the purple eyeshadow.

Line your bottom lash line/right under your bottom lid using a eyeliner makeup brush either with icy blue eyeshadow or black eyeliner

Lightly smudge the icy blue eyeshadow or eyeliner.
Apply two coats of black or brown mascara to your top lashes only.

TipsDon't try to overdo this method.
You could experiment with shades of black or peach or pink.
For a sassy look, on the crease/edge of your eyes, use the purple eyeshadow and it fly up to your eyebrows. Smear it with a tissue.
You could use shear gold to make your eyes look lifted.

Warnings: Be careful with mascara. It may mess up your eye shadow if you don't take your time applying it.

Things You'll NeedMild Pink Eyeshadow
Milk Purple Eyeshadow
Icy blue Eyeshadow
Small Sponge or Tissue
Makeup Brush

How to Apply Eye Makeup

The first thing you need to do is make sure you are starting on a clean slate, you need to wash the area of your eyes before you begin.

If you have eczema or very dry skin around your eyes, apply small amounts of moisturizer around your eye after cleaning.
Apply a small amount of concealer/powder around your eyes to even the tone.

Next, Apply a base or a primer. Cream shadows,eye paints, or primers are great. Apply all over eye lid up to the brow bone.
Now you apply eyeliner. For precision and a very distinct look use cream or gel eyeliner on your upper lash line.. Make sure the strokes of eyeliner are even, or it will look messy. For an average look, use a stroke of gel or cream eyeliner on top, and a white pencil on the waterline,to make your eyes appear brighter.

Now for you lashes. Curl your lashes first, make sure it's a good curler and that you curl all of the lashes on the top lid. NEVER curl AFTER applying mascara, always before. Doing it after causes serious clumps.

Now you apply mascara. Make sure to cover all of your lashes and to take it slow. Going quickly can cause clumping. To go for a natural looking lash, only apply a few times, be sure to pause to determine if you think you have put on enough, and not too much. If you're going for plump, spidery lashes,keep stroking the mascara for a very long time, until you feel satisfied with their thickness. KEEP IN MIND you can always skip the curling and mascara steps and resort to fake eyelashes. There are many varieties, so make sure to find ones you like.

If you want to apply mascara to the bottom lashes, don't overdo it and only do the lashes on the outer corner of the eye.
Be sure to remove makeup before bed or whenever necessary. Sleeping in makeup or long exposure to makeup is bad for your skin and lashes.​
