Life Stlye For Kids

  • Work-from-home


Heart's Raaz
TM Star
Sep 20, 2013
5 Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle For Kids

With good food habits and daily physical activity you will be well on your way to a healthy life. Easy to say, but sometimes not so easy to do!
Our busy lifestyles can be hard on our family’s health. Rushing to and from school and work can make it hard to find time to be physically active. We can also slip into the habit of choosing unhealthy snacks and take-away foods or spending our free time watching TV or in front of the computer.
However, these choices can be dangerous for our health and our children’s health – both now and in the long-term. That’s why it’s so important to stop, take stock and make a conscious decision to follow a healthy lifestyle.
What can I do?

There are five simple ways for your family to lead a healthy lifestyle and get back on track:
1. Get active each day

  • Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and young people.
  • They should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including vigorous activities that make them ‘huff and puff’.
  • Parents should be good role models and have a positive attitude to being active.
2. Choose water as a drink

  • Water is the best way to quench your thirst – and it doesn’t come with the added sugar found in fruit juices, soft drinks and other sweetened drinks.
  • Reduced fat milk for children over two is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium.
  • Give kids whole fruit to eat, rather than offering fruit juices that have a lot of sugar.
3. Eat more fruit and vegetables

  • Eating fruit and vegetables every day helps children grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
  • Aim to eat two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables every day.
  • Have fresh fruit available as a convenient snack and try to include fruit and vegies in every meal.
4. Switch off the screen and get active

  • Sedentary or ‘still’ time spent watching TV, surfing online or playing computer games is linked to kids becoming overweight or obese.
  • Children and young people should spend no more than two hours a day on ‘small screen’ entertainment.
  • Plan a range of active indoor and outdoor games or activities for your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer.
5. Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives

  • Healthy snacks help children and young people meet their daily nutritional needs.
  • Snacks based on fruit and vegetables, reduced fat dairy products and whole grains are the healthiest choices.
  • Avoid snacks that are high in sugar or saturated fats – such as chips, cakes and chocolate – which can cause children to put on excess weight.

@Manxil @KhursheedAlam


Heart's Raaz
TM Star
Sep 20, 2013
Eat More Fruit and Vegies(Specially For Kids)

Did you know? In NSW, close to 60% of children do not eat the recommended daily amount of vegetables. Research shows that watching a lot of TV is associated with children and teenagers drinking more soft drink and not eating enough fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. Eating fruit and vegetables every day helps children and teenagers grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases - such as heart disease, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer and being overweight or obese. How many serves do kids and teens need? All of us need to eat a variety of different coloured fruit and vegies every day – both raw and cooked. The recommended daily amount for kids and teens depends on their age, appetite and activity levels – see table below for recommended serves per day. Fresh fruit is a better choice than juice While whole fruit contains some natural sugars that make it taste sweet, it also has lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre, which makes it more filling and nutritious than a glass of fruit juice. One small glass of juice provides a child’s recommended daily amount of vitamin C. Unfortunately, many children regularly drink large amounts of juice and this can contribute to them putting on excess weight. How to help kids and teens eat more fruit and vegies Eating more fruit and vegies every day can sometimes be a struggle. However, research shows that we’re more likely to do so if they’re available and ready to eat. Children may need to try new fruits and vegies up to 10 times before they accept them. So stay patient and keep offering them. It can also help to prepare and serve them in different and creative ways. Some ideas to try: Involve the whole family in choosing and preparing fruit and vegies. Select fruit and vegies that are in season – they taste better and are usually cheaper. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in the home. Be creative in how you prepare and serve fruit and vegetables - such as raw, sliced, grated, microwaved, mashed or baked; serve different coloured fruit and vegies or use different serving plates or bowls. Include fruit and vegies in every meal. For example, add chopped, grated or pureed vegetables to pasta sauces, meat burgers, frittatas, stir-fries and soups, and add fruit to breakfast cereal. Snack on fruit and vegies. Try corn on the cob; jacket potato topped with reduced fat cheese; plain popcorn (unbuttered and without sugar or salt coating); chopped vegies with salsa, hummus or yoghurt dips; stewed fruit; fruit crumble; frozen fruit; or muffins and cakes made with fruit or vegies. Try different fruits or vegies on your toast – banana, mushrooms or tomatoes. Add chopped or pureed fruit to plain yoghurts. Make a fruit smoothie with fresh, frozen or canned (in natural or unsweetened juice) fruit; blend it with reduced fat milk and yoghurt. Chop up some fruit or vegie sticks for the lunchbox. In summer, freeze fruit on a skewer (or mix with yoghurt before freezing) for a refreshing snack. Make fruit-based desserts (such as fruit crumble or baked, poached or stewed fruit) and serve with reduced fat custard. Have fresh fruit available at all times as a convenient snack – keep the fruit bowl full and have diced fruit in a container in the fridge.

@Manxil @KhursheedAlam


Heart's Raaz
TM Star
Sep 20, 2013
10 healthy lifestyle tips for kids

  1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food
  2. Breakfast is a very important meal
  3. Eat lots of different foods every day, variety is the recipe for health
  4. Which group would you tip for the top? Base your food on carbohydrates
  5. Gimme five! Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal and as tasty snacks!
  6. Fat facts. Too much fat is not good for your health
  7. Snack attack! Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks
  8. Quench your thirst. Drink plenty of liquids
  9. Care for those teeth! Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  10. Get moving! Be active every day
Do you remember when you learned to ride a bike? The most important part was getting the balance right. Once you could balance easily, the pedals could turn smoothly, to drive the wheels and get the bike moving.

The same thing is true when it comes to choosing our food. Once we have learned to carefully balance the amounts and types of foods eaten, all the organs in the body will function smoothly and the body will work efficiently.

Following these ten tips will help you stay fit and healthy. It’s as easy as riding a bike, once you’ve got the balance right!

1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food
Sharing a meal with family and friends at home or at school is a great way to enjoy food. It is fun to see other people’s choice of food - what do your friends eat? Do you try different foods every day? Check out your lunch box or dinner plate. How many different kinds of fruit and vegetables can you spot?

2. Breakfast is a very important meal
Just like cars, buses and trains cannot run without fuel, our bodies need energy to work. Especially after a night’s sleep, energy levels are low. So, whether you are off to school, or out and about at the weekend, start the day with breakfast. Plenty of carbohydrates is just the ticket: try cereal with milk, fruit or yoghurt, toast or bread, perhaps with lean meats.

3. Eat lots of different foods every day, variety is the recipe for health
You need over 40 different nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) every day for good health. Since there is no single food that contains them all, it is important to balance your daily choices. In fact there are no good or bad foods, so you do not need to miss out on the foods you enjoy. The best way to make sure you get the right balance is to eat a wide variety of foods each day.

4. Which group would you tip for the top? Base your food on carbohydrates
About half the calories in your diet should come from carbohydrate foods, such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes and bread, so it is a good idea to include at least one of these at every meal. Try whole grain bread, pasta and other cereals to give you extra fibre. Have you tried baking your own bread? It’s good fun and smells wonderful!

5. Gimme five! Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal and as tasty snacks!
Fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods for giving us enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. We should all try to eat at least 5 servings a day. For example, a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, perhaps an apple and banana as snacks and two vegetables at meal times. Then you have already reached your total. How many different kinds can you spot in the supermarket? Why not try some new ones?

6. Fat facts. Too much fat is not good for your health
Eating too many of those fatty foods (such as fried potatoes, fried meats and sausages, pies and pastries) might not be so good for your body. Also go easy on fat spreads such as butter and margarines. Although we need some fats to get all the nutrients we need, it is better for our health if we don’t eat too much of these foods and get knocked off balance. So, if you have a high-fat lunch, see if you can have a low-fat dinner at home.

7. Snack attack! Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks
Even if you eat regular meals during the day, there will still be times in between that you feel hungry, especially if you have been very physically active. Snacks can fill the gap, but should not be eaten in place of meals, only as an extra. There are lots of different snacks available. Your choice may be yoghurt, a handful of fresh or dried fruits, sticks of vegetables like carrots and celery, unsalted nuts or rice crackers, or perhaps a slice of fruit loaf or some bread with cheese. Occasionally, you may prefer crisps and other packet snacks, a chocolate bar, a piece of cake or biscuits. Whichever snack you enjoy, remember it is always good to include a variety of different types to keep things in balance.

8. Quench your thirst. Drink plenty of liquids
Did you know that more than half of your weight is just water? So as well as giving your body all the food it needs each day to keep healthy, you need at least 5 glasses of liquids a day. It is particularly important if the weather is very hot or if you have done lots of exercise, to have plenty to drink. Usually – but not always – your body will tell you this, by making you feel thirsty. Plain water is great of course; you can try tap water or mineral water, plain or flavoured, sparkling or non-sparkling. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk and other drinks, can all be okay from time to time.

9. Care for those teeth! Brush your teeth at least twice a day
Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Eating foods high in sugar or starches too often during the day can play a part in tooth decay. So don’t nibble foods and sip drinks all day long! Sugar-free chewing gum can help you keep your teeth healthy. However, the best way to keep a nice smile is to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Also, after brushing your teeth at bedtime, don’t eat any food, or drink anything but water!

10. Get moving! Be active every day
Just like a bike may become rusty if it is not used for some time, our muscles and bones need to be kept moving too. Activity is needed to keep your heart healthy and your bones strong. It can also be good fun. Try to include some form of activity every day: it may be just walking to school and running up the stairs. However, games like skipping and football at break times are good for giving the body a workout. Swimming is a particularly good sport for keeping you healthy.

Good For Health(kids)

@Manxil @KhursheedAlam


Heart's Raaz
TM Star
Sep 20, 2013
Healthy Lifestyle Books For Kids

Want to improve your life?. A healthy lifestyle is based around eating health foods sleeping well and exercising to keep healthy & happy and other activities that improve your overall health. Adopting this lifestyle means that you manage your weight, you are careful you make informed food choices and choosy on what you consume to reduce unnecessary weight gain as well as maintaining a healthy fitness regimen. The best thing with enjoying a healthy lifestyle is that the advantages can be both mental & physical. Being able to reduce stress levels substantially and being more relaxed are some of the mental benefits you receive. You also become more energetic and have a higher self esteem. You can really suffer from self-esteem issues especially when you are obese. Hence, you should make living a healthy lifestyle a habit. The main benefit accrued from it is you get added protection from a host of common diseases brought about by a poor lifestyle. By living healthily, you naturally strengthen your immune system to be stronger to fight long term illnesses. Enjoying a healthy lifestyle starting early in life saves you a lot during your old age in terms of having a strong healthy body hence avoiding most age old illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes. It also entails having fun which promotes a healthy mind through taking part in social networks and doing fun things you enjoy with family. This also is a form of relaxation and make sure you go for regular checks as part of living a healthy lifestyle. Food Precautions, Healthy lifestyle for Kids, Families, Food …Simple nutrition and food suggestions, food pyramid, healthy kid checklist, green lunchbox, cook book recipes, how to buy and clean food, eating right.

@Manxil @KhursheedAlam