Nature studies

  • Work-from-home

dream girl

Khwabon se bahre Naina
Jul 30, 2008
Nature studies

Human beings are always open to new ways of learning. Be it simple outdoor activity or scientific inventions. Both are based on adoption of ideas or interpretations of nature. Nature itself has provided inspiration to many a thinking mind.

The academic institutions of our country, however, seem to have averted from nature-based teaching to become confined to the traditional methods of teaching within the four walls of the classroom.

Teaching and learning in schools and colleges is mostly theoretical with very little outdoor teaching involved. It has turned many students into bookworms rather than going for inquisitive learning approaches.

Educational programmes should provide students with an opportunity to establish their connection with nature in one way or the other. This can best be achieved through an outdoor approach which is also an efficient and effective way of learning because nature serves as a teacher as well as a site for learning. Nature-based learning and awareness exposes and sensitises students to the environment through an interactive teaching and learning process.

Much of the teaching can be carried out in the open outdoors, which may go a long way in the changing of behaviors, insight into the issues and improved learning patterns in students.

Students learn better through hands-on learning as the saying goes "I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand". Hands-on learning promotes inquiry-based thinking. It furthers understanding, helps retain concepts, increases knowledge, motivation, curiosity and social interactions through the participatory process.

The participation of students in a nature-based learning activity is also a source of enjoyment that involves more student effort and less teaching by the teachers. Student participation is needed to be encouraged through field trips and different responsibilities during the trip; student projects (science fairs and studies); teaching experiences (delivering a lecture about a plant, mammal, bird, or issues as a means of self expression); and student reports (writing an article and presenting that to the class) as a means of their proactive engagement. Nevertheless, teachers can also perform curricular activities out in the natural environment to augment their prescribed academic studies and topics.

Another justifying factor in nature-based teaching is that it improves test scores and grades as well as develops skills in problem solving, critical thinking while enhancing the Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

Research studies have shown that students improved in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies through environment-based learning. It has done a lot for their reading and writing capabilities, attendance and attitude. In addition, the research reported that 95 per cent of the teachers were enthusiastic about environment-based education.