Priyanka Chopra gets best dressed title!

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Mumbai, Oct. 9 -- Actor Priyanka Chopra has been titled India's Best Dressed by People magazine on their latest cover.

Thrilled with the honour, the actor says to the publication, "Shocking... because I'm more of a lazy dresser and the credit for being called 'India's Best Dressed' should go to my stylists. The only thing I know when I'm wearing an outfit is 'does it look good on me or not'! But yes, I'm excited because I never thought I would get this title."

The former Miss-World turned-actor further reveals that she didn't have any dressing sense until she decided to take up modelling. "I didn't know how to wear make-up. So I just did what I was told. I learnt quickly. Miss India was a stepping-stone to modelling, which I did for four months before I won Miss World. And I signed my first film at 19," says Chopra, who made her acting debut with the Tamil film Thamizhan (2002).

Talking about her wardrobe transformation since then, she says, "I started working with multiple designers to see who made me look my best. Just being aware of myself also helped. The right hair, make-up and costumes can make a huge difference. It's bizarre when people say that I've gone through cosmetic surgeries, when it has all to do with make-up. I used to wear four kilos of it! With great make-up artistes coming into my life, I started understanding it better and that changed my life. I started looking really different." We agree.​