Scientist Says: Titan's Surface is just like Earth's

  • Work-from-home
Oct 18, 2009
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Scientist has said that Titan's surface resembles Earth's very closely. Titan looks just like earth and none other body in this solar system resembles earth so much. It is another fact that temperature and other environmental conditions are totally different at Earth and Titan.

This fact has been revealed by a joint mission of NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens. They have observed details of young surface of Titan's that shows some craters and mountain chains and even lakes.

Titan is the biggest moon in the solar system and is larger than mercury and nearly of size that of Mars. The lakes in moon are thought to be composed of liquid hydrocarbons like methane and ethane.

Titan has a surface temperature of around -180 °C and water cannot exist on Titan. On titan methane is found at water's place in hydrological cycle of evaporation and precipitation.

There are some other researches that have reported volcanic activity on Titan, but these "cryovolcanoes" eject cold slurries of water-ice and ammonia. Cassini Instrument called VIMS (Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) gathers infrared light from Sun that Titan surface reflect after passing it through it atmosphere. With these rays they are able to trace the chemical compounds on Titan's Surface.

Scientist has also found an area called Hotei Regio, with the help of VIMS. This area shows the presence of ammonia frosts. Ammonia is present in interior region of Titan.

Titan has dunes formed by cold winds and mountain ranges also which resembles terrestrial features.
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