Tips for cleaning the house

  • Work-from-home


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Mar 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Tips for the Whole House

• Each day, cover a different room for deeper cleaning. Do superficial cleaning tasks each day, such as wiping the kitchen counter, making all of the beds, and general tidying up. However, designate each room in the house a different day for vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, etc…

• Keep a laundry basket that is just for putting things away. Start in the bedroom in the morning and put anything that doesn’t belong in that specific room in the basket. Continue throughout the house, exchanging what belongs for what doesn’t.

• ”Out with the old, and in with the new.” If you purchase a new anything: lip gloss, light bulb, cooking pot, coaster, etc … you must also then throw it out, or designate it for a sale (for when you have that grand garage sale you keep talking about). This will allow you to remain clutter-free and less overwhelmed.

• Become friends with vinegar, as it can do all of the following: eliminate water rings, clean your silver, remove carpet stains, unclog drains, and more.
You are well on your way to a cleaner home, congratulations!
